Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Shipping out Thor-thor

Shipping Thor was a lot of phone calls and internet research. It took me 2 weeks to finally get it done. Hawaii has a very strict rule when it comes to pet entry into the island. The state is a rabies-free state and they would like to keep it that way.

To get an accurate info, please visit their website: Since our decision was last minute - less than 30 days before our departure, we had no choice but to quarantine him in Oahu. Our initial plan was to send him to Alabama to stay with Keith's parents but the thought of being away from our dog, our big baby and our guardian was more than I could bear.

The following are the steps that we went through before his departure: (note: there are other options, please check with quarantine office in Oahu, they are very helpful)
  1. Ensure that your dog has rabies shots and the third one should be 30 days within/prior to his arrival to the state.
  2. Get all the shots and treatments just to be sure.
  3. Go to their website and choose a vet from their list and register him.
  4. Go to their website and print out the Dog and Cat Import Form. Fill it out then have it notarized and mail it 10 days prior to pet's arrival.
  5. Call the quarantine to make sure that they have the paperwork so they know the arrival time and date of your dog.

Thor was very upset with us when we dropped him off at the cargo airplane. He wouldn't look at us or lick our hand- he thought we abandoned him.

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