Monday, August 1, 2011

Sharks Cove, North Shore

Activity: Snorkeling
Sharks Cove has been rated by Scuba Diving Magazine as one of the "Top Twelve Shore Dives in the World". Located on Oahu's world famous North Shore, this small rocky bay forms part of Pupukea Beach Park and boasts blue water and an impressive amount of sea life. The bottom is made up of large smooth boulders and coral heads forming small caves and ledges for marine life to hide. The walls of the surrounding cliffs provide calmer water attracting schooling surface fish.

Aqua shoes or Five fingers are must haves since the rocks are very sharp here and slippery.

Parking lot: There 2 parking lots so make sure you check both since parking is very scarce.

It rained that morning so the path was very slippery (my nephew already fell once)

A view of the cove

On the south side of Sharks Cove is the Pupukea tide pools; a great place to wade and explore.

We chose Pupukea tide pools because we had our children with us.

Pupukea tide pools

On the way back, we saw people sunbathing.

For more information about the cove click on this link

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