Wednesday, March 9, 2011

run, vem, run, not

Another day without running! It is really frustrating especially when I am supposed to run 10K this Saturday and a half on the 26th. This sick thing is over rated! But I need to let my body heal and not make the same mistake that I did last week.

I had a LEEP procedure 12 days ago and the doctor told me I could do what ever I wanted-jump.skip, run, lift weights...except the you know what I mean.I always believe what the doctor tells me so I ran, lifted weights, I even traveled 300 miles to Eastern WA for our daughter's soccer tournament the next day. I worked out all week until last Friday when my monthly friend came, it wasn't a regular visit, it was an extremely heavy visit. I woke up looking like that guy in Godfather 1 with a horse's head in his bed soaked in blood. I got up and blood just started gushing out of me with golf ball sized blood clots. It was like that since I woke up at 0330 until I went to see my doctor at 1030. Luckily, I did not need blood transfusion, my doctor just closed up the blood vessels in my cervix. Apparently, my visitor melted the monsel that they used to cover the cut due to the procedure or maybe because I did not give my body enough time to heal. It was not a good experience, it wasn't horrible one either, but it was interesting. After this incident, I decided not to go to work that day (unlike after my procedure, I went to back to work), rest for the whole weekend and took Monday off, too. I did try to do some core exercises on Tuesday but I felt pain again that night, so I finally gave in. I am not going to do any exercise until Friday.

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